
Thank you for your interest! I am a seasoned minister with more than 25 years of experience and have found my way home to Unitarian Universalism. As you seek the next minister for your congregation I invite you to explore this website and envision how our partnership will lead your congregation to a new level of faithful, vital and effective ministry.

My qualifications include dynamic preaching and worship leadership, the ability to listen well, viewing the world through a systemic lens while keeping individual people in view, emotional and spiritual maturity, proven skills in visioning, strategic planning, stewardship and financial development, an ability to relate well across the age spectrum with excellent pastoral care, and a passion for social justice. Please take a look at the materials and links on these pages to learn more.

I have enjoyed the opportunity to discover more about your congregation and community through your congregational record and welcome exploring how we might be in ministry together. References are available upon request.

"Surely joy is the condition of life." - Henry David Thoreau

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate so much the time and energy you've put into creating this representation of your ministry.Your passion and commitment to the values of UUism and to bringing them to the Sunday morning stage shine from your words. I can understand why our search committee is so excited to introduce you to us, and I look forward to meeting you at MVUUF in a few weeks.
