
Knowing who you are and where you're going as a congregation makes all the difference. Helping congregations better understand their context, develop their vision and sense of mission, and think strategically about how to impact their communities has become a hallmark of my ministry. I bring an array of tools acquired in several settings that can better position you to claim your calling. One of my favorites is working with congregations to interview community stakeholders to discover what is happening in the community, often uncovering surprising opportunities. With this knowledge, the congregation can then discern where its' gifts and passions intersect with the needs and opportunities around them. I've also adapted the methods of the Center for Parish Development in Chicago for a Unitarian Universalist context.

There is a large percentage of young adults in this country with no religious affiliation, yet the vast majority of them are sympathetic to Unitarian Universalist values. We have an unprecedented opportunity to develop new outreach ministries that tap into this potential in the coming years.

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